EPIC Water Program grows stronger

We are happy to announce that EPIC's Water Program is adding two new staff members this month.

Maureen Cunningham joins us as our new Deputy Director of Water. Most recently, she served as Senior Director for Clean Water at Environmental Advocates NY, where she championed statewide clean water legislation and policies. Maureen also served as Executive Director of the Hudson River Watershed Alliance for several years, strengthening the capacity of dozens of grassroots groups and municipalities to protect their streams and water resources. Based in Upstate New York, Maureen serves as an elected Town Councilmember in her town of 35,000 outside of Albany. She also serves as a Board Member for SEE Turtles and El Triunfo Conservation Foundation. Maureen holds a Master of Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from The American University School of International Service.

Katy Hansen is our new Senior Advisor for Water, and she will focus on the allocation of federal financial assistance for water and wastewater infrastructure. She is completing her PhD in Environmental Policy at Duke University, where she led projects to digitize over 500 maps of water service areas for the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and improve access to sanitation in rural Alabama with the Center for Rural Enterprise and Environmental Justice. She also worked at the Environmental Finance Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. Prior to her PhD, Katy worked at the Association for Water and Rural Development in South Africa and the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel on transboundary water management projects. She holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Montana State University and a MSc in Water Science, Policy, and Management from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.


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