Water Infrastructure
Restoration & Mitigation
Procurement & Finance
Since enacting the Conservation Finance Act in 2022, Maryland agencies have begun to implement it and attract greater private investment in conservation.
What is motivating biocredit buyers at this early stage as the market is in development? Why would corporate buyers and other entities be interested in investing in migratory songbird or salmon credits? What’s in it for them? Today the BCA released a new issue paper, “Demand-side Sources and Motivation for Biodiversity Credits'' that untangles some of these incentives and rationales.
Everybody’s talking about environmental sandboxes. What are they, and maybe more importantly, what aren’t they?
Since enacting the Conservation Finance Act in 2022, Maryland agencies have begun to implement it and attract greater private investment in conservation.
New report evaluates the last three years of efforts developing Midwest watershed partnerships
New report examines the challenges to administratively scaling the Regional Conservation Partnership Program
The Susquehanna River Basin Commission announced today the opening of its application for proposals offering cost-effective reductions of nutrient pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay from the Susquehanna watershed.
Mason City and Forest City sign innovative agreements to pay farmers to improve water quality.
Third and final in a series, this blog explores how USDA can tweak existing programs to speed up delivery of conservation money in the Inflation Reduction Act.
A project to illustrate which watersheds and cities in Iowa are closest to meeting their nutrient reduction goals from municipal point sources
Second in a series, this blog explores how USDA can use emerging technologies to speed up delivery of conservation money in the Inflation Reduction Act.
First in a series, this blog explores how USDA can use outcomes purchasing to speed up delivery of conservation money in the Inflation Reduction Act.
One month ago today, Pennsylvania passed the country’s second legislatively-authorized clean water outcomes procurement program
In New York state, a clever partnership between the city of Syracuse and upstream farmers has managed to significantly clean up the Skaneateles Lake
Endangered Species
What is motivating biocredit buyers at this early stage as the market is in development? Why would corporate buyers and other entities be interested in investing in migratory songbird or salmon credits? What’s in it for them? Today the BCA released a new issue paper, “Demand-side Sources and Motivation for Biodiversity Credits'' that untangles some of these incentives and rationales.
Yesterday, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on Compensatory Mitigation Mechanisms. We provide initial reactions here.
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Reforming State SRF Policies: Lessons Learned from Advocacy in Wisconsin
Scenarios of WOTUS in SCOTUS
The Supreme Court will hear a case called Sackett v EPA on October 8th to rule on just what constitutes Waters of the United States (WOTUS). WOTUS is a jargon-y term describing the extent of the federal protections of wetlands, streams, rivers, and lakes across the US. It has huge implications for the public, the regulated community, and the restoration economy. When SCOTUS makes its decision on WOTUS, there will certainly be hyperbole in the headlines. We provide a level-headed discussion of the possible outcomes that could come in October, and explain what those scenarios would mean.
Environmental agencies need more modern approaches to data and technology - a Digital Service for the Planet can help.
One Month Left: Clean Water Commerce Applications
Clean Water Commerce applications due in one month
ICYMI: Clean Water Procurement Program Signed into Law 1 Month Ago Today
One month ago today, Pennsylvania passed the country’s second legislatively-authorized clean water outcomes procurement program
What’s In a Name? One writer’s frustration with technical term redundancy
Lead-Free Water Challenge: What We Learned About Data Management and Lead Service Line Inventories
EPIC Applauds EPA Guidance Urging Communities to Inventory and Replace Toxic Lead Pipes ‘As Soon as Possible’
Example of a service line tap card from a municipality in Massachusetts. Photo credit: EPIC
Drinking water service area boundaries are critical for state policy and operations - and some state agencies are working with local water systems to develop this foundational data set.
New Report: Investing in America’s Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems for Equity and Sustainability
Common Pay for Success contracting pitfalls and how to avoid them
A fight for the right to clean water and sanitation in California’s unincorporated communities
Breaking News: Species Banking ANPR Released
Yesterday, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) released an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on Compensatory Mitigation Mechanisms. We provide initial reactions here.
New Report: Clean Water Act - Priorities for Offset Policies
Municipal Leaders: Integral to the success of lead pipe replacement in the United States
Tackling Environmental Injustice: EJ Communities Should Have a Say
Water Quality Partnership in the Skaneateles Lake Watershed
In New York state, a clever partnership between the city of Syracuse and upstream farmers has managed to significantly clean up the Skaneateles Lake