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technology Reed Van Beveren technology Reed Van Beveren

We Need to Tend Innovation Like We Tend a Fire

At EPIC, we believe in using innovative data and technology to tackle environmental challenges faster. We advocate for government involvement in fostering tech innovation to better manage resources. Discover the five key building blocks of a healthy tech ecosystem to help technology thrive across public, private, and non-profit sectors.

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technology, restoration Danielle Bissett technology, restoration Danielle Bissett

10 Fundamentals for Smart Permitting

The Trump-Vance Administration is excited about permitting reform, so are we! And, to get there, we want to see smart permitting. Efficient and effective permitting should be about getting to “yes” or “no” on projects faster—and we know there are hundreds of ways to do that without minimizing scientific rigor, transparency, and public participation. We’ve researched dozens of federal and state policies and technologies that have sped up permitting. Here we synthesize our 10 fundamental recommendations for improving the environmental review and permitting process.

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